CAR GUY PARADISE! Tribute to a SPECIAL CLASSIC CAR EVENT - the Beaulieu Autojumble

Okay, we will admit that this week’s episode is NOT FOR EVERYONE. It’s not very… YouTube.

But if you have faith and trust us enough to watch it, you will be privy to the car world’s most special twice-annual event – the Beaulieu Autojumble.

“WTF!” I hear you shout. “Where are the beans? The supercars? The banter?” Well, it’s true, this week there is none of that. But having visited this quaint British car fair for over 20 years, we thought it was time to give the old girl a proper tribute, and reveal to you, why we think it’s so special.

You may like this episode, you may hate it. But we always said on this channel we would cover everything that we find interesting in the car world. And who knows? Maybe this will introduce you to the event, and you might even visit one day.